Why Do Collision Repair Shops’ Estimates Differ Between Shops?

You know when you go to a doctor and they give you an estimate without checking your medical records? Then, when you go to another doctor, they tell you that the first doctor estimated the cost of treatment wrong. 

That's what it's like going to a car Body Shop Croydon. You get an estimate and then it turns out that their price is way off, or vice versa. Why do collision repair shops' estimates differ between shops?

The tone of this post should be friendly but informative. It should be easy for a reader who knows nothing about cars or car repairs to understand why this happens.

Estimator Accuracy

Estimator accuracy is a key factor in the price of repair. Shops with highly trained and experienced estimators are able to provide more accurate estimates, which means they can save you money on your repair by finding less costly solutions.

Estimators should also be able to explain their estimates, so you know exactly what the costs are for each part and labour service included in the estimate. 

They should also be able to justify their prices by explaining why certain parts or services were needed for your vehicle's specific problems.

Technician Experience

One reason why estimates differ is because of the technician's experience. When you take your car to a repair shop, there are two main types of technicians: experienced and inexperienced. 


The more experienced ones know how long it will take to repair a vehicle and are more likely to know what can be done with a damaged vehicle.

An inexperienced technician may not be able to tell if your car is worth repairing or not. They might recommend fixing something that doesn't need fixing just because they don't know any better! This can cause problems down the line when you have another accident with the same part (which was never truly fixed).

Shop’s Popularity and Seasonality

Estimates are based on a number of factors, including the shop's popularity and seasonality. A busy shop may be able to get your car in sooner and out faster, which means less time for an estimate to be made. 

Also, a busier shop may have more technicians working on vehicles at any given time, which can lead to shorter wait times for you as well!

Convenience and Timing

The timing and convenience of a Body Shop Croydon can be very important, especially if you need your car back as soon as possible. If you're stuck in traffic, or if it takes longer than expected to get to work or school, then it might be worth paying more for an estimate at a shop that's closer to home or work.

The price of an estimate is also important because there are usually many shops within driving distance from where you live and work. The cost might vary by hundreds or thousands of dollars depending on which body shop provides the best quality service at a reasonable price (this varies between states). 

Some companies offer free estimates so customers can compare prices without having any obligation beyond filling out an online form with basic information about their vehicle.


This is a great question, and one that many people have asked themselves. It can be frustrating to get an estimate from one Body Shop Croydon, only to find out that another shop has quoted you less or the same price. Contact professionals for information.


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